Saturday, 13 February 2016

Valentines Day Makeup Picks

Whether you are going on a date with your man, going on a girls night to find Mr. Right or staying home watching the Notebook and hating every man you’ve ever met, we all deserve to look and feel fabulous this Valentines weekend.  Whether that involves a face mask and an over bubbly bath, some fantastic over dinner makeup or getting out your freakum dress and killer heels and dancing to Single Ladies all night long, who cares as long as you feel hawt! So here’s my favourite Valentine makeup picks for this year.

Friday, 5 February 2016

What's In My Bag Feb 2016

Hi Everybody and Happy Friday! The weekend has finally arrived again, today I am working all day, then going to the gym, then hopefully chilling out in front of the tele! So today I thought I would do a ‘What’s in My Bag’ post, I am super nosey so I love reading these blog posts and watching the youtube videos, so thought I would share with you all exactly what’s in my bag. If you follow me on snapchat you will have already seen a lot of my handbag contents - if not, come follow me on snap: megandoesbeauty

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Makeup Brush and Tool Collection

I thought it was about time that I shared with you my favourite makeup brushes of the moment, I have a lot of makeup brushes and tools, some I use every day, some that can be used to apply virtually every product and some which I couldn’t live without. So without boring you with every single brush that I have I thought that I would pick out some of my favourites to tell you about in case you are in the market for a particular brush or just want to try something new.

Monday, 1 February 2016

January 16 Favourites

Welcome to the first monthly favourites of the year, I hope you all had a great January even though it has flown by. I love January, for me it is a month that symbolises new beginnings, a step towards making yourself the you that you want to become. This month for me has been focused on work, studying and healthy eating. I started back on my old healthy eating and exercise regime, over the past 4 weeks I have lost a whopping 11 pound and 3 inches from my waist and 1.5 inches from my hips, so this month has consisted of a lot of random favourites including recipes, foods and lifestyle bits but for now here are my January beauty faves!